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Main Page: SPG Warlords

Planets are huge points of interest within the Gemini space. Currently, 16 planets are carefully placed across the area in order to emphasize strategic decisions. They are, depending on the game difficulty level, heavily defended but can ten fold your worth once captured. Assaulting an area with a planet might often be the last thing that you'll do, so think twice before you invade these hostile territories.

You can see the full Starpoint Gemini Warlords map here - File:Gemini Map.jpg

List of Planets[]

Screenshot Location Description
Baeldor Baeldor Location Baeldor is a true testament to mankind's resilience and even stubbornness. In the early years of the colonization of Gemini, the planet was written off as "Unagreeable to Humanity", but there were still some colonists that persevered. Today, the massive cities, built around artificially engineered oases, stand in stark contrast to the bleak and barren rocky deserts that cover most of the surface. Baeldor has undergone great terraforming projects in the distant past, but the effects are slowly, but surely wasting away. Baeldor suffered greatly in every Gemini War, but the resilient people repeatedly rose from the ashes to rebuild their dreams. The question that remains is "For how long?". Baeldor's skies are orange.

INHABITANTS: 9,024,498,014

Carthagena Carthagena Location Carthagena served as the capital for all Imperial and Directorate institutions. This planet had the perfect atmosphere and environment and was closest to the Starpoint. The result was very rapid urbanization and development. At the end of the first Gemini war, tragedy later named "Starpoint incident" obliterated the entire planet. Most of the planet's population was wiped out and all cities destroyed.
Corrion Corrion Location Corrion, located in the Sentchuk Barony region, is Gemini's "Water World", as the planet is almost entirely covered by a majestic ocean. This does wonders for the water export business, but isn't so great for urbanization and colonization. The mild atmosphere attracted many colonists to settle here, but the vast oceans on this waterworld challenged engineers greatly. Today this peaceful world remains one of the least urbanized, but also one of the most preserved environments in Gemini. What little landmass the planet had has been totally urbanized decades ago, so current and future urbanization plans are based on constructing artificial islands to house the new cities.

INHABITANTS: 1,154,322,679

Eanakai Eanakai Location Eanakai is a world of only a few landmasses, but large, sprawling beaches and wonderful climate, all of which it can thank to its ideal location in the "Goldilocks zone" of Gemini. It is no wonder that the planet is also known as the "Tropical Paradise".

Perhaps a less known fact is that the colonization of Eanakai, especially the early period, was wrought with problems. The continents' inland zones are some of the most dangerous areas of Gemini due to the extremely aggressive local fauna. Even the flora is considered extremely dangerous because of the staggering number of different poisonous plants and fungi.

The population is largely gathered in relatively small cities located along the shores with some of the most successful urban areas encompassing entire islands; especially convenient as a natural defense against the local wildlife. What the population of Eanakai had no defense against are the forces of nature. Most of the cities were turned into rubble during a massive earthquake that took place roughly 40 years ago.

INHABITANTS: 42,489,599

Fairuz Fairuz Location Fairuz is the Gemini's "Mega factory". Abundance of natural resources made it a perfect place to jump-start an entire Gemini production following the start of serious colonization. Due to its high manufacturing value, Fairuz was also the target of many wars and invasions. Last one was during first Gemini war when Directorate forces conducted sustained orbital bombardment that resulted in global environmental catastrophe.
Heeland Heeland Location Heeland - Heeland is a barely populated planet, located on the fringe of the Gemini system. The surface is mostly landmass, broken only by the enormous Coral Sea. The sea is wrongly named after the indigenous fungus-like lifeforms that inhabit the seabed. Heeland was the next planet designated for terraforming, but the process was halted with the beginning of the Gemini War for Independence. The "Garden of Eden" terraforming platform, floating silently in the planet's orbit, is the only reminder of this period. What little population is left on Heeland are still hopeful the terraforming process can be restarted, but since the outer regions of Gemini were mostly abandoned, hopes for this are slim at best.
Hogosha Hogosha Location Hogosha - The Planet of A Thousand Sky-Cities. The only completely successfully terraformed planet in Gemini. Hogosha was the last planet to be colonized. Rolling green hills and endless waterfalls hide the fact Hogosha was, in essence, a desert world. For fifty years engineers constructed gigantic flying platforms all over the planet. These were terraforming pods. After the process was completed, most of the platforms were dismantled, and the materials were used in laying out the foundations of the first cities of Hogosha. However, a few platforms were preserved and are still used as essentially floating cities.

The planet is home to the largest known population of scientists in Gemini, and indeed in the entire known universe. Sociologists believe this can be linked back to the actual first colonists, as the majority of the populations are descendants of the terraformers. "It is in their DNA", as some would say.

INHABITANTS: 920,718,599

Iolia Iolia Location Iolia is the Gemini's "Ice globe". It's the central planet of the Iolian Pact. The planet itself as a major trading and transit hub. Dozens of shady semi-legal groups operate from this world and their activities make Iolia a very unsettling and dangerous place to live in. The most powerful Gemini company, MultiOps, succeeds to maintain order only in several major cities where they established the biggest weapon manufacturing plants in the entire Gemini.
PlanetKorkyra Korkyra Location Korkyra is a dark and cold planet with very few water surfaces. The planet's distance from the Gemini suns, Castor and Pollux, causes it to have some of the lowest average temperatures in the system, rivaled only by Iolia. Unlike its frozen 'cousin', Korkyra has a severely limited precipitation. Its climate is said to be 'stable', almost completely passive. Colonists, therefore, took the simplest approach and settled in the equatorial region that is the most suitable for human life, at least by Korkyran standards.

The massively long stretch of smaller and larger cities span the entire equator, and are all connected by a trans-planetary maglev, known as the "Equaline". The maglev line was originally built to transport raw resources, especially purified water between the cities, but has since been drastically upgraded to accommodate the over 5,000 maglev trains that use the Equaline every day.

Korkyra is the homeworld of the democratic nation of Korkyra, formerly known as the Korkyran Triumvirate. The People of Korkyra are a disciplined and proud nation, with unmatched respect for its military might and social hierarchy. Their cities are huge, modern and functional with little room for beauty or the designers' ingenuity. This world has avoided any kind of major destruction throughout Gemini's history, since it has established itself as an "impossible" target for decades.

INHABITANTS: 3,490,780,512

Nyx Nyx Location Nyx is the homeworld of the Nyxian Consortium. This green world is covered with massive jungles and rich wildlife. After initial colonization, Nyxian local authorities started a full scale terraforming project aimed to reconfigure the planet to match Earth in its likeness. Project failed but genetic mutation on local wildlife caused increased spread of forests and animals. Today, all urban areas are separated with barriers that require constant maintenance.
Phaeneros Phaeneros Location Phaeneros - The sparsely populated Phaeneros is one of the most distant planets of Gemini. Surprisingly though, it is considered as relatively hospitable. The first colonists, however, were forced to build atmosphere purifiers to "clean up" the air of excess methane gas to make the planet more amiable to humans. All known colonization efforts were additionally slowed down by the constant threat of meteor hits that regularly blast into the surface of Phaeneros. The planet, along with the rest of the Phaehana region used to belong to the faction known as the Tswana, who never forgave the Concord for taking it away from them.

INHABITANTS: 27,674,512

Pyros Pyros Location Pyros is the "Hell-pit". It's a world of million volcanoes. Surface is very dangerous and cities are built in protected domes or underground. Despite all precautions, natural disasters are frequent and Pyros remains most underpopulated planet to this day. Some areas of this world are considered smugglers paradise, but reluctance of any territorial faction to unleash a major military operation offered criminal syndicates a chance to properly entrench themselves for a long period.
Solyma Solyma Location Solyma - Solyma is a frozen wasteland. The low annual precipitation, however, denies the planet of even basic rainfall or snow. Drinkable water, thankfully, is distilled and purified from the large frozen ocean that stretches from the planet's south pole to the north pole. Little is known about Solyma since it was never meticulously surveyed. Solyma's fringe position makes it ideal for shady groups and individuals wanting to "get off the grid".
Sora Sora Location Sora has seen its share of destitution and trouble in recent years. The unselective bombardment during the last war at the hands of Baeldor greatly scarred the urbanized landscape. Although remote, Sora is surprisingly hospitable to human presence, even with no terraforming required.

It's the former homeworld of Nexus and its appearance follows the philosophy of its original rulers to the letter. The planet is in essence one huge scientific hub. Super-modern cities blend together with the natural surroundings and a vast majority of the resources are used to power the thousands of laboratories and testing sites. The recent troubles have caused the local authorities to crack under the pressure and crime levels are on a sharp rise. The future of Sora may be uncertain, but in both potential outcomes, the planet's nickname, "The Dark Lab", will remain as fitting as ever. Sora's skies are green.

INHABITANTS: 4,990,845,912

Thauria Thauria Location Thauria is the barren world. It's also the second largest planet in Korkyran territory. It supports human life just barely. Inhabitants are a sturdy, proud people that value military life just like their Korkyran counterparts. For the last several years, this planet has been the center of rebellion against the Korkyran government. During this war, Thauria has been repeatedly besieged and attacked, but remains strong and undefeated.
Trinity Trinity Location Planet Trinity, also known as "New Earth", may be the most perfect planet for human civilization in Gemini. The heavily urbanized continents are a home for over 15 billion souls which makes Trinity the most populated planet in the Gemini System. the temperate climate, quite similar to that found on Planet Earth in Sol, makes the planet ideal for agriculture.

The spread of the population across the planet's surface did cause a wide range of individual subcultures, dialects, and nations: something once again very similar to the planet Earth of the ancient past, but almost unseen in Gemini. Cultural friction between the individual nations led to territorial disputes and local wars, which hindered the progress of Trinity for decades. It reached a point that Imperial forces had to undertake three military operations just to ensure peace and order. This all came to a halt with the formation of the Trinity Free States, a planet-wide union that later spread further into Gemini.

INHABITANTS: 15,204,054,915

List of Planets of the East[]

The game's fourth DLC expansion, Rise of Numibia, added a new region of space known as the East. It is the home of many factions, like Numibia, and Eastland, and is the size of around 30% of the normal Gemini map. Korkyra also has a presence in the southern regions of the East, with a large colony in Monrovia, the southernmost new region. The East can only be accessed by the custom map added by Rise of Numibia, due to the fact that the game engine cannot support a map bigger than the vanilla Gemini map. This land contains 4 planets and the only known moon in Gemini.

Screenshot Location Description
File:Doma.jpg File:Doma Location.jpg Doma, the homeworld of Eastland, the only former pirate group that succeeded to rise and expand into a real, well-organized territorial faction. Following their newly organized structure, Eastland stormed the unexplored regions of Gemini and took control of many regions, including planet Doma. Since then, they've been entangled in a series of conflicts that greatly reduced their power and influence. Still, Planet Doma remains as Eastland's most formidable fortress in Gemini, and with its developed surface, defenses and logistics, it is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Like most of the easternmost planets of Gemini, Doma's location and living conditions are unenviable. But Doma's terraforming stuck, it has been reasonably populated and the population's thriving despite the situation. Eastland's rule over the planet has successfully brought Doma to the forefront of the East's retaliatory movement.

The large junkyard west of the planet is a decent indicator of the life and bustle on Doma, as well as the unfortunate condition in which the population had to work with what they get, not what's best. Doma's population works mostly in agricultural and livestock farming, but recent developments in Gemini created a large influx of military personnel and their families.

The planet is located in the heart of the Kasunga region.

INHABITANTS: 3,612,751,223

File:Gladstone.jpg File:Gladstone Location.jpg Gladstone, the only habitable planet in Gemini controlled by the Rogues. This planet was never conquered by any major faction, and even today, it still stands as a familiar crossroad for pirates and smugglers. Although it's not a very hospitable place, it was further damaged by the Rogues' multiple illegal weapons testing facilities and several failed terraforming attempts. It's not certain if they even tried to achieve something, or simply tried to make the planet so undesirable that any military force would continue to steer away.

Among all the planets in Gemini, Gladstone is the furthest one away from the two stars, easily noticeable by the low population count and the extremely harsh conditions surrounding the planet, as well as on the planet itself. Being as it is, Gladstone is still a point of discord among the Gemini factions, with the Rogues' most recent takeover of the planet from Highland's rule. Gladstone serves as a good reminder of how adaptable people are, but also how petty they can be.

Gladstone is surrounded by junkyards and nebulae, giving it a strategic advantage over incoming assaults. It is located in the northern Thabana region, near the border with the region of Kampala.

INHABITANTS: 512,554,223

Kalahari File:Kalahari Location.jpg Numibia's homeworld, Kalahari, is a small, but densely populated planet located between the planets Phaeneros and Doma. Considering its unfortunate location in one of the coldest parts of the Gemini System, much is to be said about the quality of the terraforming that went into making the planet as hospitable as it is. The warm, welcoming Kalahari soon drew in many people looking for sanctuary from the cold, but much too soon it became overpopulated, undesirable, and poor. Such conditions led to the Numibians' recent rise and takeover on Gemini's military and political scene, with Kalahari being the center of the revolution.

This habitable planet was among the last of Gemini's planets to be properly explored. Therefore, it is relatively less urbanized than many other worlds in the system. When the first Numibian task force arrived, Kalahari was already populated by outlaw groups, pirates and other groups of shady origins. The Regent of Numibia launched a planet-wide campaign to cleanse the world and bring order. The conflict lasted for more than a decade, but it ultimately ended with an overwhelming victory for Numibia. Kalahari became a new seat of power for the new faction, and its successful conquest announced the permanent rise of Numibia in Gemini.

The beauty of the planet, contrasted by the poor conditions of the people living on it, will forever be a picture Gemini holds in their mind's eye when looking back at what transgressed here.

The planet is located in the Numibia region, near the border with the regions of Nhiassana and Watopia.

INHABITANTS: 10,012,554,223

File:New Korkyra.jpg File:New Korkyra Location.jpg Following a long and bloody internal conflict in the former Korkyran Triumvirate, the state was divided and barely survived this struggle. The new nation of Korkyra was badly battered by the Gemini Wars and the civil unrest it suffered at the same time, so it had to regain strength and territory without starting a new war with any of the major factions of Gemini. So, they embarked to explore new, yet uncharted parts of Gemini. In the far reaches of the system, they found an unique planet that resembled their own homeworld, that had an unique feature: An orbiting Moon, the only one known in Gemini. The planet was named New Korkyra, and annexed to the officially controlled Korkyran Territory.

Some people say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", but Korkyra's imperialistic tendencies couldn't be thwarted, and they terraformed the sphere known as New Korkyra. Although It's not much of a place to look at except for its moon, with a low population due to its remoteness, New Korkyra is still a point of pride of their creators, as it signifies that their influence reaches even the furthest parts of Gemini.

New Korkyra is surrounded by an asteroid field, giving it additional cover, and is located in the Monrovia region. The region has two wormholes, one near the planet and its moon, and the other one just outside the Crispina Cloud.

INHABITANTS: 1,825,475,111

File:New Korkyra Moon.jpg File:New Korkyra Moon.jpg New Korkyra's Moon, in the terms of Gemini's unique landscape, is a very peculiar thing. While most planets in the entire discovered universe have at least one or more moons, in Gemini, almost no planets have one. New Korkyra is the first recently discovered planet in Gemini that actually has a moon. As a celestial body, this moon is pretty much like Earth's Moon back in Sol, with the exception of having a little more gravity, and more raw mineral resources. The Moon is mostly inhabitable, with small colonies being built mostly as attractions and military positions. There were rumours that this moon is also used for secret bases and undercover secret projects, but that has never been proven.